Flower Essences and these strange times

It has been said that the flower essences created by Edward Bach in the 1930s have no resonance for these turbulent times, almost 100 years later. I doubt the plants, if they could talk, would be of this opinion. The Rescue Remedy today is just as vital as in Dr Bach’s day.

Perhaps it is we who need re-tuning for indeed the plants do “speak” – it is we who have become deafened to hear. If we are to heal Planet Earth, the macrocosm, it starts with the microcosm. Ourselves. “Listening”.

The argument that the world is not as it was 100 years ago seems slightly irrelevant now when in the thick of another global pandemic, much as it was in Dr Bach’s time. The fear, the anxiety, the social disruption, the inertia and politicking are as contagious now as they were 100 years ago. Plants understand disease. They are not immune to the ravages of pestilence and disease, they have also learned how to evolve when under threat.

The plants have to contend with a much changed world but the system behind Bach Flower Remedies hold steady because it is more than plant physicality. The vibrational aspect of these essences is what makes them stand out. The plant adaptation to present day continues to support the unity of the ecosystem, of which we are all connected.

This weekend as I reviewed my notes and readings, as well as the Essences themselves, I was struck with how “strong” the Essences felt to me and their purpose here at this time. I fell in love with them all over again – 35 years after I was first introduced to Bach Rescue Remedy. The passion, connection and sheer joy these little bottles bring me is a source of happiness. Lining them up satisfies my need for order but using them is my greatest joy for the gift of healing they bring my clients.

Flower essences are infusions made from various parts of the plant: leaves, buds, flowers or even bark or moss, which uniquely address emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of wellness. Essence needs will alter as the body restores equilibrium and balance.  The gift is in attuning to those that are best suited to bringing forth the positive aspects of the plants for your own well-being.

Bach Rescue Remedy is well known and readily available. There are, however, 38 individual flower remedies with four, in particular, which may offer support in these times of stress in a pandemic:

Gorse  - seen as prickly and a nuisance here in NZ but many times I have seen this essence lift the spirits from doom and gloom to one of lightness and increasing joy.

Aspen - calms a nervous being triggered by unseen fears to one where although circumstances remain the same, one’s ability to hold steady and at ease in uncertain times increases.

Cherry Plum – when the stresses of anxiety, working hard and no respite of working/caring during pandemic times become almost overwhelming, this gentle, open flower offers support to relax, be open and rest easier, regaining one’s composure.

Olive – from the warm sunny climes of the Mediterranean, this tree, which offers Omega 3 in its olive fruit to support immunity and anti-inflammatory response, has an essence that brings regeneration after periods of intense physical or mental effort and exhaustion.

Creating a personal blend using flower essences supports a return to more balanced outlook and readiness for each day as this pandemic unfolds. They do not interfere with any other treatment modality and can be safely prescribed to children as well as adults, pets and even plants.  Often in my naturopathic consults, a flower essence blend is the very first thing I draft, and all other treatment protocols fall into place more easily.

Bach Flower Remedies are my passion. The Remedies can help you at this time – to book a flower essence/naturopathic consult use this link.

Strange Times Blend of flower remedies created following this blog post are now available for $12.50 for 20mls at https://naturallyherballtd.roc...

Medical Disclaimer

My experiences are of Western herbs and Western flower essences because of my upbringing in Scotland. New Zealand Native Flower Essences are equally powerful for those here in New Zealand and bring me much joy too but I am content to work solely with Western Plants as these are the ones I understand. For those seeking New Zealand essences I highly recommend http://www.newzealandfloweress...

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