Naturally Herbal Flower Essences

Naturally Herbal


Flower Essence Blend 1

Created initially for self exploration/development, Naturally Herbal Flower Essences are now offered as individual stock essences and as Blends - both Custom and Trust in the World Blends.

It's hard to describe fully the energetics of these Naturally Herbal Flower Essences other than it feels like new energies have been given by the plant kingdom to support us as we move through these times. Bach was a man of the 1920s and 1930s and whilst some argue the relevance is no longer there because of time passed, I would argue that the plants themselves have not changed. They are just vibrating more intensely, as is the planet. It was curious that Bach did not see the need for a Nettle flower essence given it abundance in Europe and this was the first to be birthed by Naturally Herbal Flower Essences to support people with their sense of self and holding space for self and others with grace and integrity.

Gill often uses Flower Essence blends for individual clients and is often the starting point for any naturopathic treatment plan to help clear and support changes. Gentle enough to use with children and pets, Naturally Herbal Flower Essence blends are another wonderful way nature provides her support and love.
Individual Consult and personal blend bottle is $95.00 incl shipping - please email to arrange convenient appointment time - or see me at the markets.

Trust in the World Transition Blend I, II and III

Created in 2020 - 2023 for these turbulent times of upheaval, uncertainty and anxiety, these blends provide vibrational support using the original Bach Remedies and the new Naturally Herbal Flower Essences. 

Trust in the World Transition Blend I:

Containing 6 of Bach's individual flower essences, the blend provides support for shock, anxiety, despair and exhaustion. To find stability and strength.

Flower essences in Brandy and Spring Water.  Dosage: 4 drops up to 4 times daily in water.

Trust in the World Transition Blend II

A combination of Bach and Naturally Herbal Flower Essences to provide support in a world full of conflict and upheaval. Provides strength, joy, Light, clarity, ease of flow and improved ability to make decisions. 

Flower essences in Brandy and Spring Water:  Queensland Kauri, White Manuka, Pink Manuka, Red Chestnut, Rock Water, Scleranthus.  

Queensland Kauri - Tall clear Light and Strength, White Manuka - Celestial Light, Pink Manuka - Deep Joy.

Dosage: 2 drops up to four times daily as you adjust to the new frequencies in Naturally Herbal Flower Essences then 4 drops 4 times daily in water.

Trust in the World Transition Blend III

Created in 2023, these unique Naturally Herbal Flower Essences cross continents and seas to bring the fine filaments of energy the precious plants and trees emanate. This unique blend that brings strength, Light, joy and clarity of self and boundaries. 

Flower essences in Brandy and Spring Water:  Queensland Kauri, White Manuka, Pink Manuka, Nettle and Totara.  

Dosage: 2 drops in water once daily for several days. Then 2 - 4 drops in water up to 4 times daily. Be guided by your body - go slow and steady and allow your body to adapt.

Queensland Kauri - Tall Clear Light and Strength, White Manuka - Celestial Light, Pink Manuka - Deep Feminine Joy, Nettle - Setting and Maintaining Boundaries, Totara - Gentle Masculine Strength. - more information provide via email. Request from

SKU: 10000-10 TAGS: flower essence, Bach, Naturally Herbal, Naturally Herbal Flower Essence, vibrational medicine

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